09:00 Registration (with Coffee & Tea)
10:00 Opening
10:10 Plenary Session
Session 1: Keynote Lecture
Chair: Frank Meye (Utrecht)
Roshan Cools (Nijmegen) Role of dopamine in human decision making and cognitive control (45')
11:00 Coffee & Tea
11:30 Parallel Sessions A
Session 2: Control uncertainty and decision-making: impacts on behaviour and mental health
Chairs: Egbert Hartstra & Roshan Cools (Nijmegen)
Marc Guitart-Masip (Stockholm, Sweden) Tba (30')
Renée Koolschijn (Nijmegen) Tba (15')
Filip Grill (Nijmegen) Tba (15')
Yanfang Xia (Nijmegen) Tba (15')
Eliana Vassena (Nijmegen) Tba (15')
Session 3: Inflammatory pathways in cerebral small vessel disease
Chairs: Sebastien Foulquier (Maastricht) & Maximilian Wiesmann (Nijmegen)
Helena Karlström (Stockholm, Sweden) Interplay between vasculature, microglia and neurodegeneration in CADASIL and possible treatment strategies (30')
Tushar Deshpande (Münster, Germany) Neuroinflammation in mouse models and sporadic cSVD: characterization and comparison (15')
Louise van der Weerd (Leiden) Inflammation in CAA (15')
Ruxue Jia (Nijmegen) Blood-Brain Barrier leakage and neuroinflammation in a translational mouse model of small vessel disease (15')
Sebastien Foulquier (Maastricht) Immune landscape in cSVD: insights from preclinical and clinical data (15')
Session 4: A molecular view on human brain development, function and evolution
Chairs: Feline Lindhout (Cambridge, United Kingdom) & Nicky Scheefhals (Nijmegen)
Baptiste Libé-Philippot
(Marseille, France) Elucidating the cellular and molecular divergence of human neurons (30')
Lewerissa (Nijmegen) Tba (15')
Feline Lindhout (Cambridge, United Kingdom) Time is of the essence: calcium-mediated tuning of developmental tempo and evolutionary neuronal morphology (15')
Jacobs (Amsterdam) Tba (15')
Mansvelder (Amsterdam) Cortical network specializations supporting adult human cognition (15')
Session 5: From ribosomes to neural networks: translation in brain health and disease
Chairs: Max Koppers (Amsterdam) & Ewout Groen (Utrecht)
Sandrine da Cruz (Leuven, Belgium) Uncovering mechanisms of axon/ neuromuscular junction maintenance and demise in ALS (30')
Anne-Sophie Hafner (Nijmegen) Differential 3’UTR isoform expression drives specific presynaptic transcriptomes in forebrain and cerebellum (15')
Oxana Garritsen (Utrecht) Translatome based subcellular profiling of developing dopaminergic dendron bundles in the substantia nigra (15')
Vivienne Aline Bauer (Amsterdam) Investigating the regulatory role of the endoplasmic reticulum in axonal mRNA localization and translation (15')
Ilaria Signoria (Utrecht) Studying mRNA translation to identify new biomarkers for spinal muscular atrophy (15')
Session 6: Closed loop control of neural interfaces: fundamental neural mechanisms to clinical translation
Chairs: Valeria Gazzola (Amsterdam) & Devika Narain (Rotterdam)
Juan Alvaro Gallego (London, United Kingdom) Manifold insights into neural decoding (30')
Valeria Gazzola (Amsterdam) Dynamical social, emotionally loaded, interactions as closed loop systems. Future directions (15')
Julia Berezutskaya (Utrecht) Brain-computer interfaces for communication in paralysis (15')
Yuzhen Qin (Nijmegen) A control-theory approach to predictable brain stimulation for epilepsy (15')
Dante Muratore (Delft) Large scale high-density active microelectrode arrays (15')
Session 7: Understanding cognitive resilience in aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
Chairs: Harm Krugers & Rik Ossenkoppele (Amsterdam)
Eider Arenaza Urquijo (Barcelona, Spain) Sex and gender differences in cognitive resilience to Alzheimer's Disease: modifiable factors and neurobiological underpinnings (30')
Sven van der Lee (Amsterdam) Genetic risk and genetic resilience, two sides of the same coin? (15')
Amber Boots (Amsterdam) How the prenatal environment may shape dementia risk (15')
Maria Carrigan (Amsterdam) Resilience to Alzheimer’s Disease from a translational perspective (15')
Janssen Kotah (Groningen) Early-life stress influences amyloidosis and the hippocampal synaptic proteome in the APP/PS1 mouse model (15')
13:00 Lunch
14:15 Parallel Sessions B
Session 8: Cortex circuit plasticity and function in relation to natural and reward behavior
Chairs: Frank Meye & Roberto D’Angelo (Utrecht)
Paola Bezzi (Lausanne, Switzerland) Tba (30')
Sergio Conde (Amsterdam) Tba (15')
Roberto D’Angelo (Utrecht) Tba (15')
Bart Jongbloets (Amsterdam) Tba (15')
Clara Hartmann (Amsterdam) Tba (15')
Session 9: The role of glia in brain function and homeostasis
Chairs: Peter Meerlo & Susanne Kooistra (Groningen)
Marie-Eve Tremblay (Victoria, Canada) Dynamic interplay between microglia and sleep: outcomes of sleep deprivation and microglial homeostatic alterations (30')
Janssen Kotah (Groningen) Microglia states in neurodegeneration (15')
Emmy Hoeksema (Amsterdam) Long term effects of early nutritional interventions on amyloid pathology and microglia in a mouse model for Alzheimer’s Disease (15')
Christiaan Huffels (Utrecht) Using human cortical brain organoids to study neuron-glia Interactions (15')
Aline Mak (Amsterdam) Astro-GRASP: identification of changes in astrocyte-synapse interaction on persistent memory engram cells (15')
Session 10: Why play matters: the importance of social play for the development of brain, behaviour and welfare
Chairs: E.J. Achterberg & Heidi Lesscher (Utrecht)
Jackson Ham (Lethbridge, Canada) Growing up in a group: not all rats benefit from playing (15')
E.J. Achterberg (Utrecht) The role of opioid neurotransmission in social play behaviour (15')
Emel Souiki (Utrecht) The role of opioid neurotransmission in social play behaviour (15')
Inonge Reimert (Wageningen) The relation between (social) play behaviour and welfare in pigs (30')
Emmie Koevoets (Utrecht) Play behavior, mental wellbeing and executive functioning in children with and without a chronic condition (15')
Session 11: Powerhouse potential: mitochondrial transfer in health and disease
Chairs: Amalia Dolga (Groningen) & Kerensa Broersen (Enschede)
Carla Lopes (Coimbra, Portugal) Mitochondrial extracellular vesicles as modulators of the inflammatory response (30')
Amalia Dolga (Groningen) Tba (15')
Alessia Romagnolo (Amsterdam) Tba (15')
Frank Kruyt (Groningen) Tba (15')
Minh Danh Anh Luu (Enschede) Tba (15')
Session 12: Computational neuroscience and neurotechnology (CONNECT)
Chairs: Mario Negrello (Rotterdam) & Jorge Mejias (Amsterdam)
Wolfgang Maass (Graz, Austria) Problem solving and planning in neural networks (30')
Arezoo Alizadeh (Nijmegen) How the layer-dependent ratio of excitatory to inhibitory cells shapes cortical coding in balanced networks (15')
Renaud Jolivet (Maastricht) On the importance of modelling non-brain cells (15')
Klaus Linkenkaer Hansen (Amsterdam) Tba (15')
Lennart Paul Liong Landsmeer (Rotterdam) Memristors to model ion channels (15')
Session 13: Genetic therapies for brain disorders
Chairs: Ronald Buijsen & Laurie Kerkhof (Leiden)
Karen Anthony (Northampton, United Kingdom) Trans-splicing to treat neurodegenerative disorders (30')
Annelot van Esbroeck (Rotterdam) Shooting the messenger: antisense oligonucleotides as a neurotherapeutic strategy (15')
Bart Klein (Leiden) Axiomer ADAR RNA editing platform and its applications in the CNS (15')
Alex Garanto (Nijmegen) Use of AAV-Based Strategies for Gene Replacement and Splicing Modulation in the CNS (15')
Marlen Lauffer (Leiden) Therapy development for n-of-1 disorders (15')
15:45 Coffee & Tea
16:00 Plenary Session
Session 14: Keynote Lecture
Chair: Roger Adan (Utrecht)
Monique Havermans (London, United Kingdom) How to respond to pressure to phase out animal experimentation in the Netherlands (45')
17:00 Posters & drinks
Session 15: Poster session 1
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Plenary Session 21:00 Social
Session 16: Top Paper, Thesis & Young Talent PrizesKeynote Lecture
Control uncertainty and decision-making: impacts on behaviour and mental health
Inflammatory pathways in cerebral small vessel disease
A molecular view on human brain development, function and evolution
From ribosomes to neural networks: translation in brain health and disease
Closed loop control of neural interfaces: fundamental neural mechanisms to clinical translation
Understanding cognitive resilience in aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
Cortex circuit plasticity and function in relation to natural and reward behavior
The role of glia in brain function and homeostasis
Why play matters: the importance of social play for the development of brain, behaviour and welfare
Powerhouse potential: mitochondrial transfer in health and disease
Computational neuroscience and neurotechnology (CONNECT)
Genetic therapies for brain disorders
Keynote Lecture
Poster session 1
Top Paper, Thesis & Young Talent Prizes
09:00 Registration (with Coffee & Tea)
09:30 Parallel Sessions C
Session 17: Stressed memories and the role of engram neurons, non-neuronal cells and neuromodulators
Chairs: Marloes Henckens (Nijmegen) & Harm Krugers (Amsterdam)
Tomas Ryan (Dublin, Ireland) Cold calculation - how engrams effect temperature regulation (30')
Sanne Beerens (Amsterdam) Threat intensity-induced differences in remote memory engram circuits (15')
Sabrina van Heukelum (Nijmegen) Deviations in the trauma memory engram of susceptible mice (15')
Emma Clephas (Nijmegen) Effect of the stress hormones norepinephrine and corticosterone on memory flexibility and its neuronal representation (15')
Jeniffer Sanguino-Gomez (Amsterdam) Glucocorticoid receptors in microglia mediate corticosteroid effects on contextual memory formation (15')
Session 18: Long-term effects of post-acute infection syndromes: a translational perspective
Chairs: Jinte Middeldorp (Rijswijk) & Hanneke Willemen (Utrecht)
Marianna Bugiani (Amsterdam) Tba (30')
Denise Visser (Amsterdam) Neuroinflammation and more: PET and MRI in post-COVID patients (15')
Marte Dros (Utrecht) Investigating pathophysiological mechanisms underlying ME/CFS and post-COVID symptoms in a paediatric population (15')
Juliana Nieuwland (Rijswijk) Progession of neuroinflammation and -pathology with increased neurofilament light levels in a SARS-CoV-2 non-human primate model (15')
Felipe Correa da Silva (Amsterdam) Brain changes in ME/CVS; focus on the stress system and microglia (15')
Session 19: Age related effects of substances of abuse: developmental and translational perspectives
Chairs: Karis Colyer-Patel (Rotterdam) & Heidi Lesscher (Utrecht)
Maartje Luijten (Nijmegen) Heavy alcohol consumption during the transition to adulthood (30')
Hanan El Marroun (Rotterdam) How prenatal substance exposure alters brain structure and function (15')
Anaïs Notario Reinoso (Amsterdam) Long-term effects of adolescent cannabinoid receptor activation on adult prefrontal cortex function and behaviour (15')
Sofie van Koppen (Rotterdam) Age dependent effects of alcohol on reward sensitivity and (loss of) control over behaviour in rats (15')
Karis Colyer-Patel (Rotterdam) Age-related effects on the association between alcohol use severity and resting-state fMRI: a rat study comparing adolescent-onset and adult-onset drinking (15')
Session 20: 20,000 microns under the microscope: a journey from the molecular landscape of single synapses to neuronal functioning
Chairs: Dimitrios Samouil (Utrecht) & Angela Getz (Amsterdam)
Julie Perroy (Montpellier, France) Mechanisms contributing to synaptic plasticity and learning – Challenges to address (30')
Angela Getz (Amsterdam) New tools & techniques for resolving the nanoscale organization and dynamics of endogenous AMPA receptors in intact networks (15')
Dimitrios Samouil (Utrecht) Postsynaptic mGluR – NMDAR crosstalk in shaping synaptic transmission (15')
Anna Galakhova (Amsterdam) The role of mGluR3 receptor in human vs mouse L2/3 cortical pyramidal neurons (15')
Bart Jongbloets (Amsterdam) Visualizing neuromodulator-mediated PKA dynamics in inhibitory neurons (15')
Session 21: Imaging cerebello-cortical networks across development in healthy and clinical populations
Chairs: Aleksandra Badura & Ryan Muetzel (Rotterdam)
Muriel Bruchhage (Stavanger, Norway) Tba (30')
Jana Klaus (Utrecht) Structural cerebellar correlates of verbal and social abilities in autism spectrum disorder are age-dependent (15')
Myrte Strik (Amsterdam) Cerebellar abnormalities in patients with Multiple sclerosis (15')
Carolin Gaiser (Rotterdam) Child and Adolescent cerebellar development: a population-based perspective (15')
Thomas Jacobs (Rotterdam) Behavioral and brain-wide structural consequences of early life cerebellar lesions - a mouse model study (15')
Session 22: Novel approaches towards transdiagnostic molecular biomarkers for brain disorder
Chairs: Rudy Schreiber (Maastricht) & Igor Magaraggia (Verbania, Italy)
You Yang (Jacksonville, FL, USA) Emerging roles of extracellular vesicles in neurodegenerative disorders (30')
Patty Hoede (Amsterdam) Neuro- and inflammation-related proteins in paired human CSF and CSF-derived extracellular vesicles (15')
Laurence de Nijs (Maastricht) Exploring circulating and EV-encapsulated miRNAs in PTSD biomarker discovery (15')
Igor Magaraggia (Verbania, Italy) Harnessing brain-derived extracellular vesicles to support RDoC-based drug development (15')
Jacco Briede (Maastricht) Micro-RNA biomarkers in relation to environmental exposures and psychedelics for CNS disorders (15')
11:00 Coffee & Tea
11:15 Parallel Sessions D
Session 23: The nucleus accumbens: a central hub in metabolic regulation and energy homeostasis
Chairs: Astrid van Irsen & Susanne la Fleur (Amsterdam)
Pierre Trifilieff (Bordeaux, France) D1- and D2-MSNs of the nucleus accumbens regulate motivation and food intake in opposite ways: relevance for eating disorders? (30')
Judith Scholing (Nijmegen) The role of low-grade inflammation in effort-based food decision making in obesity - an fMRI study (15')
Wenjie Du (Utrecht) Stress attenuates the excitability of striatohypothalamic pathways: potential consequences for Binge Eating (15')
Marene Hardonk (Amsterdam) Exercise training and stress resilience: should we look beyond the nucleus accumbens? (15')
Astrid van Irsen (Amsterdam) Chemogenetic activation of D2/A2a-expressing medium spiny neurons in the nucleus accumbens core mirrors the delaying effect of novelty exposure on feeding onset in rats (15')
Session 24: MIMIC-NL: Modeling iPSC - Microglia: Insights & Communication
Chairs: Lot de Witte (Nijmegen) & Amalia Dolga (Groningen)
Sally Cowley (Oxford, United Kingdom) Microglia in neurodegenerative disease – what we can learn with iPS cell models (30')
Anne-Marie van Dam (Amsterdam) hiPSC-based model to study microglial functioning in a white versus grey matter like astrocyte environment: relevance for multiple sclerosis?
Kim de Kleijn (Amsterdam) Modelling Alzheimer’s disease characteristics in iPSC-derived 6TF microglia (15')
Dannis van Vuurden (Utrecht) Reawakening microglia and macrophages: modulating the immune response in pediatric high-grade gliomas (15')
Amalia Dolga (Groningen) Air pollution aggravates AD pathology, insights from diesel-exhaust particle exposures (15')
Session 25: DNA damage and repair in neurodevelopment and disease
Chairs: Juliette Kamp (Rotterdam) & Brooke Latour (Nijmegen)
Matthew Ellis (Cambridge, United Kingdom) Uncovering genetic determinants of micronucleus formation (30')
Dick Jaarsma (Rotterdam) Nervous system pathology in nucleotide excision DNA repair-deficiency disorders (15')
Susanne Kooistra (Groningen) Identifying factors driving microglia priming in a mouse model for accelerated aging (15')
Brooke Latour (Nijmegen) The NSL complex promotes neural development by preventing R-loop induced replication stress (15')
Juliette Kamp (Rotterdam) Elucidating DNA break repair in human iPSC-derived neurons (15')
Session 26: Clearing the way to systems neuroscience
Chairs: Moritz Negwer (Nijmegen) & Sven Hildebrand (Maastricht)
Hei Ming Lai (Hong Kong, China) Accessible 3D spatial biology for research and clinical use (30')
Moritz Negwer (Nijmegen) Tba (15')
Sven Hildebrand (Maastricht) Tba (15')
Sebastien Foulquier (Maastricht) Tba (15')
Zeynep Ilgin Kolabas (Neuherberg, Germany) Unique Insights from Skull Bone Marrow in Health and Disease (15')
Session 27: Bridging scales in brain function: integrating computational and experimental insights into network dynamics and plasticity
Chairs: Anouk Schrantee & Dorien Maas (Amsterdam)
Caroline Lea-Carnall (Manchester, United Kingdom) Modelling and modulating plasticity in healthy and clinical populations (30')
Jorge Mejias (Amsterdam) Digital brain models with cognitive functionalities (15')
Miranda Moore (Amsterdam) Cellular and network excitation links to human intelligence (15')
Dorien Maas (Amsterdam) Cross-species multiscale imaging of chemobrain neurobiology (15')
Anouk Schrantee (Amsterdam) Neuroimaging of functional brain responses to interventions: a multiscale perspective (15')
Session 28: Advancing Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) research and treatment
Chairs: Ling Shan (Amsterdam) & Erik Storkebaum (Nijmegen)
Luc Dupuis (Strasbourg, France) Early non-motor symptoms in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a window for therapeutic action? (30')
Erik Storkebaum (Nijmegen) Unraveling the role of the skeletal muscle in ALS associated with FUS mutations (15')
Ling Shan (Amsterdam) Alterations in the histaminergic system in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: a postmortem study (15')
Henk-Jan Westeneng (Utrecht) Translational imaging in ALS (15')
Suzy Varderidou (Utrecht) Proteomic signature and mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicle treatment of iPSC motor neurons from different ALS patient groups (15')
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Plenary Session
Session 29: Keynote Lecture
Chair: Kübra Gülmez Karaca (Nijmegen)
Paul Frankland (Toronto, Canada) Critical periods for the emergence of episodic-like memory (45')
14:45 Coffee & Tea
15:00 Parallel Sessions E
Session 30: Cell specificity in the heart of the brain: the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus
Chairs: Andries Kalsbeek & Valentina Rumanova (Amsterdam)
Kristin Eckel-Mahan (Houston, TX, USA) Cell-specific regulation of the circadian clock by BMAL1 in the paraventricular nucleus (45')
Valentina Rumanova (Amsterdam) Using RNAscope and retrograde tracing to benchmark the pre-autonomic neurons of the PVN (15')
Delaram Poormoghadam (Amsterdam) Stress-specific differential activation of pre-autonomic neurons in the PVN (15')
Jari Berkhout (Leiden) Differential expression of transcription factor in the magnocellular cells of the PVN (15')
Session 31: Lipids as regulators of brain Immunity and repair
Chairs: Chun-Xia Yi (Amsterdam) & Jeroen Bogie (Diepenbeek, Belgium)
Jeroen Bogie (Diepenbeek, Belgium) Glial cell lipid processing and recycling in CNS disorders (30')
Hendrik van der Zande (Wageningen) Functional immunometabolic profiling of microglia by a novel technique called CENCAT (15')
Fleur Mingneau (Diepenbeek, Belgium) 5-lipoxygenase activating protein (FLAP): a novel target to boost the resolution of neuro-inflammation in multiple sclerosis (15')
Han Jiao (Amsterdam) Targeted activation of microglial PPARδ reprograms immunometabolism and enhances insulin sensitivity in diet-induced obesity. (15')
Melanie Loix (Diepenbeek, Belgium) UBE3A promotes foam cell formation and counters remyelination by targeting ABCA1 for proteasomal degradation (15')
Session 32: Neural transformation: from adult neural progenitors to brain tumor cells
Chairs: Vanessa Donega & Dorien Maas (Amsterdam)
Ana Martin-Villalba (Heidelberg, Germany) Unlocking stemness to treat brain disease and combat aging (30')
Elly Hol (Utrecht) Intermediate filaments: key players in neural progenitors and glioma dynamics (15')
Emma van Bodegraven (Utrecht) Drivers of brain tumor invasion (15')
Daan Kloosterman (Amsterdam) Tba (15')
Mark de Gooijer (Amsterdam) Tba (15')
Session 33: Neuromodulators make neurons shine: new optical tools to unravel cellular function
Chairs: Ségolène Bompierre (Nijmegen) & Bart Jongbloets (Amsterdam)
Olivia Masseck (Cologne, Germany) Deciphering the brain's secret code: new tools and approaches (30')
Joachim Goedhart (Amsterdam) Engineering genetically encoded fluorescent probes for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (15')
Isis Alonso-Lozares (Amsterdam) Monitoring in-vivo dopamine and serotonin release in striatum using fiber-photometry (15')
Ségolène Bompierre (Nijmegen) Spatial Protein Kinase A (PKA) dynamics in hippocampal inhibitory neurons and its involvement in inhibitory bouton formation (15')
Emily Willems (Maastricht) The epigenetic signature of phosphodiesterases in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's Disease (15')
Session 34: The importance of sleep for brain function and cognition
Chairs: Robbert Havekes (Groningen) & Sylvie Lesuis (Amsterdam)
Carolina Gutierrez Herrera (Bern, Switzerland) The role of thalamo-cortical networks in sleep and cognition: from animal models to stroke patients (30')
Adithya Sarma (Groningen) Restoring access to long-term social memories disrupted by sleep deprivation (15')
Thije Willems (Amsterdam) The role of the AMPAR subunit GluA3 in sleep and memory (15')
Janine Kox (Maastricht) Cognition under pressure: reversing stress-induced effects on objective sleep measures with Neurexan (15')
Hein van Marle (Amsterdam) Sleep as a window to target traumatic memories (15')
Session 35: A microbiome manifesto: bringing gut-brain axis research from mechanisms to translation
Chairs: Sahar El Aidy & Walter Pirovano (Amsterdam)
Ali Keshavarzian (Chicago, IL, USA) Bidirectional GUT, oral microbiota-brain axis in Parkinson Disease pathogenesis and disease course (30')
Mink Sieders (Amsterdam) Gut bacteria and their impact on Parkinson’s Disease treatment (15')
Anja Lok (Amsterdam) Mood and the microbes: how to proceed with the patient? (15')
Sian Hemmings (Stellenbosch, South Africa) Embracing diversity and equity in microbiome research: paving the way for methodological standardization and global relevance (15')
Esther Aarts (Nijmegen) The gut-brain axis in aging - evidence from human nutritional neuroimaging (15')
16:30 Posters & drinks
Session 36: Poster session 2
18:00 Closure DNM 25 & poster prizes