On behalf of the programme committee, I’m pleased to welcome you to the website of the Dutch Neuroscience Meeting 2025 (DNM 25). This meeting offers a fantastic opportunity to connect and share research with scientists and clinicians across various neuroscience disciplines, including neuroendocrinology, psychology, neurology and psychiatry. Our rich history can be tracked using the weblinks to the past editions of our meeting.
We are excited to return on June 19-20, 2025, to the Van der Valk Hotel in Tiel. This venue offers spacious rooms for parallel sessions, a large hall for poster presentations, a cosy lounge area for informal discussions, and comfortable overnight accommodations. Given the expected high number of participants, we strongly recommend room sharing whenever possible to ensure that as many colleagues as possible can stay on-site and fully experience the meeting atmosphere—including the not-to-be-missed evening programme.
As always, the scientific and social programme is designed to foster meaningful interactions between scientists from different disciplines and institutes. At the heart of the meeting are the parallel seminar sessions, carefully selected from your proposals, alongside three distinguished keynote speakers. We look forward to welcoming a multidisciplinary audience of researchers, clinicians, postdocs, Ph.D. students, and trainees. Our goal is to create an engaging environment that advances neuroscience research while encouraging exchanges between senior and junior scientists.
We invite and encourage all researchers to submit an abstract for one of the two poster sessions, open to both established and early-career scientists, including Master's students.
We hope you will explore the outstanding programme and wholeheartedly invite you and your colleagues to attend DNM 25 on June 19-20, 2025!
On behalf of the Organising Committee,
Frank Meye
DNM 25 Chair